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vortrag_gespräche an der graphischen
christopher burke
„jan tschichold: the missing typefaces”

datum_mittwoch, 25. februar 2009
zeit_19:00 uhr
ort_designforum | mq

jan tschichold ist wegen einer schrift berühmt: sabon. schriftdesign war nie seine hauptbeschäftigung, aber in den 20er und 30er jahren entwarf er einige, die wieder verschwanden. tschichold selbst hat ein paar davon später gerne vergessen; andere, die für das innovative uhertype photosatzsystem entworfen wurden, kamen nie auf den markt. diese vorlesung basiert auf neuer archiv-recherche, und will diese frühen schriftentwürfe von tschichold wieder zur diskussion stellen.

christopher burke
ist typograph, schriftentwerfer und schrifthistoriker. vor seiner dissertation in typographie und graphischer kommunikation an der university of reading, england, arbeitete er bei monotype typography. 1996 bis 2001 lehrte er an der university of reading, wo er den master-lehrgang in schriftdesign aufbaute und leitete.

derzeit ist er wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter am projekt isotype revisited am institut für typographie und graphische kommunikation. sein buch paul renner: the art of typography erschien 1998 und sein jüngstes buch, active literature: jan tschichold and new typography, 2007 (ebenfalls bei hyphen press). er hat vier schriften entworfen: celeste, celeste sans, pragma und parable.

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jan tschichold is known for one typeface, sabon. designing typefaces was never his principal activity but he designed several during the 1920s and 1930s, which have fallen into obscurity. tschichold himself liked to forget some of them in later life and others, designed for the pioneering uhertype photo-typesetting system, never made it into circulation. this lecture draws on new archive research to bring these early typeface designs by tschichold back into focus.

christopher burke
is a typographer, typeface designer, and type historian. he worked at monotype typography in the uk, before studying for a phd in typography & graphic communication at the university of reading, england. from 1996 to 2001 he taught at the university of reading, where he planned and directed the ma in typeface design. He is currently a researcher on the project Isotype revisited at the department of typography & graphic communication.

His book, paul renner: the art of typography, was published in 1998 by hyphen press (london), and simultaneously by princeton architectural press (new york). It has also been translated into spanish and published by campgràfic (valencia). his most recent book, active literature: jan tschichold and new typography (also published by hyphen press), appeared in 2007.
he has designed four typefaces: celeste, celeste sans, pragma and parable.

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