kateryna korolevtseva
„designing a modern typeface based on ukrainian cossack baroque heritage”

datum_mittwoch, 11. juni 2025
zeit_19:00 uhr
ort_designforum | mq wien

eintritt_8 € / ermäßigt 3 € / tga mitglieder frei
» info

what did ukrainian cyrillic look like in the 16th and 17th centuries? we will explore the historical letterforms of ukrainian cyrillic script that preceded the imperial reform of peter i, as well as the process of creating a modern typeface inspired by the aesthetics of cossack baroque heritage. can these historical forms be interpreted in a contemporary context? can the spirit and image of the cossacks, who fought for the autonomy and independence of ukrainian lands, be captured in a typeface? what obstacles arise in harmonizing cyrillic with the latin alphabet?

the lecture will also address the centuries-long cultural suppression of ukrainian identity, culture, and language by russia, exploring how typographic practices can contribute to the decolonization of writing systems and the preservation of ukrainian written heritage on a global scale.

kateryna korolevtseva is an independent type and brand designer, as well as an art director from ukraine. she has spoken at conferences such as atypi paris, typelab, and typographics nyc, and served as a judge for international design competitions. kateryna is also an author for alphabettes, design week, and other design publications, and a recipient of the tdc70 award for typographic excellence and two red dot design awards. through all her work, kateryna strives to empower ukrainian design, culture, and typographic heritage within the global type design industry.

» korolevtseva.com
» instagram.com/katerintseva

christine katscher | druckwerk lustenau