jeroen krielaars
„type, motion & hustles”

datum_mittwoch, 26. februar 2025
zeit_19:00 uhr
ort_designforum | mq wien

eintritt_8 € / ermäßigt 3 € / tga mitglieder frei
» info

jeroen talks about his journey as a self-taught designer, and the many side-hustles he has going on besides his commissioned work. jeroen krielaars is an independent designer from amsterdam. he works in the fields of branding, typography and motion. he runs calango.nl, his creative studio, and animography.net, a platform dedicated to animated typefaces. with a passion for blending type and motion, jeroen creates visually striking work with craft and precision.

» https://calango.nl
» https://animography.net

susanne padberg | galerie druck & buch