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rené knip
„wandering around in the 2.5th dimension of architectural type/graphic design”

datum_dienstag, 17. –  freitag, 20. november 2009
zeit_dienstag 9:00 – 13:00 und 14:00 – 17:00 uhr
mittwoch 9:00 – 13:00 und 14:00 – 16:00 uhr
donnerstag 9:00 – 13:00 und 14:00 – 17:00 uhr
freitag 9:00 – 14:00 uhr
anschließend bis 17:00 uhr präsentation und diskussion

ort_universität für angewandte kunst
oskar-kokoschka-platz 2, 1010 wien

the workshop is a training in logo/type/text design in connection to the achitectural/environmental reality. it's also a training in expressing yourself to the public. you deliver your own message from A to B. how strong will your message be at the end (B)? … it is applied arts what we do! Ordinairy people in the streets are perfectly able to judge your work at the end! it's also a training in combining graphic design with real matter. do you need paper? light? iron? paint? wood? string? bricks? cloth? material from nature? sand? leaves? anything… the words you choose are strongly connected to who you are and what you want to say.
it can be something political, poetical, funny, simple, extreme, rare, inviting, strange, journalistic etc etc. i don't care. the only really important thing is that the sender of the message (you!) really cares about it! connect your heart and passion to what you want to say... this is the only way to get your message from A to B...

in my general introduction i will talk about the relevance of starting the designing process without the computer. the computer is really a marvelous tool, but it is just a tool. it's not the golden veal… we will anyhow spend time together talking about the designing process in general. how to get from A to be B in your stomach and mind? how does the mind help the stomach and the stomach the mind. how to come up with the right questions in your working process? rené knip