type salon: alja herlah & krista likar

datum_mittwoch, 11. mai 2022
zeit_19:00 uhr
ort_designforum | mq wien

eintritt_8 € / ermäßigt 3 € / tga mitglieder frei
» info

momentan gibt es für veranstaltungen dieser größe keine corona-bedingten einschränkungen – wir bitten dennoch um rücksichtsvolles verhalten!

plecnik typeface follows the principles of the numerous and diverse architecture and graphic design works from the most famous slovene architect jože plečnik, and so unfolds a piece of slovene’s rich, yet still undiscovered typographic legacy.

from the initial architectural plan to the final details on the building, plečnik planned his projects in a holistic and careful manner, paying attention to the inscriptions; which follow a unified concept and create a thoughtfully designed finished unit. inscriptions on monuments, book typesetting, book covers, architectural plan elements, ex-librises, additions in the form of ornaments, initials – these are also among plečnik’s prolific works, which had a strong influence on slovene typography. the newly created typeface represents a typographic legacy and contributes to the development of slovene typography as a distinctive visual representation of the slovene language.

type salon is an independent type design studio based in ljubljana, slovenia, founded by alja herlah and krista likar. located at the crossroads of the main european cultural routes, type salon creates memorable letter shapes that present the combination of diverse heritage and contemporary presence.

type salon produces finely-crafted yet multi-usable typefaces as retail fonts and outside collaborations. in addition to the offerings in the library, foundry accepts commissions for custom typefaces and logotypes as well as redesigns. it offers extensions of the existing typefaces or multi-lingual additions such as cyrillic, greek, arabic and hebrew.
» www.type-salon.com

*vorband* » mehr info zum neuen format
doris lang | eine kurze geschichte vom langen versuch der harmonisierung zweier schriftwelten